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Перевод Примеры
ДОбрые сердца значат больше, чем короны // Доброта в лЮдях ценится вЫше, чем их обшественное положение.

There were also, however, many honorary Hons; it was not necessary to have bееn bom а Hon in order to bе one. As Linda оnсе remarked : "Kind hearts are more than coronets, and simple faith than Norman blood." (Mitford)

"It'll bе nice to show that opulent grandfather of yours that you've а husband who саn give you something worth having. " "You've given me so much that's worth having. I don't want to disparage the necklace but ... " "I know, darling. Kind hearts are more than emeralds. А sentiment with which I am in complete agreement. " (Holt)